Tuesday, March 3, 2009

16 degrees = 60 degrees

Today it was gray and windy as all hell, but balmy and hot. I took advantage of nothing to do and walked around Melbourne for hours.

this alley had this magical sound
Those of you who have been here already know that it's not just a regular street by street exploring system to be had in the city, there are all these alley's and side streets that have tiny shops and restaurants to find. As I was walking with no particular direction I stumbled into this alley drawn in by the graffiti (rampant everywhere). At first I thought there was some sort of unseen wind chime I couldn't see, but then I realized there were these bell type things (see below) that were installed down the entire length of the strip (picture a whole city block) that were somehow generating this gong/chime type sound. It was so meditative and beautiful, I walked through the alley slowly and really tried to figure out if there was a pattern with the sound or not.... it seemed to be random and it was an amazing sound installation.

this alley had this magical sounds coming out of these.

Milk Bar
{Milk Bar = corner store}

This is very mysterious
There was no sign of any clues, just Australian mystery.

I pass this park to and from the hotel
Even in the extreme drought there is the lushness that exists.

Melbourne street graffiti
You are on your way, right?

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